James Butterworth if it’s a black-tie night its smart dress or All the towels in Pittsburgh are terrible T-Shirt . Stuart Winters it is the drink packages fault because of some !! People just can’t control their drinking and that is what has changed Cruising. Anne Glover Anne Glover There wasn’t a clown. I don’t know how that has circled around on every news site but there was NO clown. Becky Congdon actually the picture shown is sailing away at 2.30 in the afternoon and nothing to do with the idiots causing the trouble in the early hours when most other passengers were asleep.
All the towels in Pittsburgh are terrible T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
perfect size and nice fabric
Anonymous –
My son loved this shirt and its good quality.
Anonymous –
The shirt was perfect and great for the quality. Didn’t realize it was a men’s shirt but fits perfect for woman too.
Anonymous –
Edward Bell
Pretty soft and durable I wore these regularly I wish there was a tag print inside the shirt if you take the tag off you’re not always sure which way you’re supposed to put it on