The show centers around a young woman named Stella who embraced a “live like you were dying” 2024 U.S. Collegiate Championships and Invitational shirt outlook on life while battling cancer for eight years and what happens when she suddenly finds out it’s been cured. We were lucky enough to chat with the fashionable star about her exciting new role as well as her personal life, style, and favorite places to spend time in L.A. Here’s everything we learned while catching up with Hale. “I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t scary to start something new, but creatively, it also was really thrilling and exciting. I had no idea that I would move on so quickly. I got presented with this show and this character who I absolutely fell in love with. It was so drastically different from what I’ve been doing for the last eight years of my life. I always go with my gut, and my gut instinct was telling me that this was a character that only I can do, and I’m really glad that I got to do it, because it ended up being one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’m just very excited to introduce [my character] and the show to everyone.”. “We’re both perfectionists in a way. Stella is actually someone I would strive to be more like because [she] likes to live in the moment, travel to new cities, and always see the glass half full. I think that she has a very positive outlook on life. I would love to be more like that. Stella is also a fixer. She wants to fix everyone else’s problems and puts her problems on the back burner, which is something I tend to do in my everyday life as well.”
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Style Notes: Since attending the shows back in September, 2024 U.S. Collegiate Championships and Invitational shirt I’ve recapped well over 10,000 runway outfits (11,542, to be exact) to discern the looks I’d include in this, our bumper spring/summer 2024 fashion trends overview. Some take more time to spot but others jump off the page. And the pretty palette of sky blue was impossible to pass by. According to Tagwalk, light blue looks were up 19% from spring/summer 2023, with 54% more blue looks featuring in the most prevalent designer collections in each city (said prevalence is based on the share of traffic generated by a designer compared to the total traffic of the city). In short, the big names went big on blue. “Like a breath of fresh air, this breezy shade offers a much-needed dose of serenity to the spring/summer palette,” says Natalie Munro, Who What Wear UK news writer. “Fresh and calm, the soft shade injects a youthful edge that can make your styling feel both spirited and sophisticated. On the runways, Alberta Ferretti and Versace favoured monochrome looks, whilst Stella McCartney and Proenza Schouler wove light creams and whites into their cool-blue styling that I just can’t get enough of.” To further confirm this colour shift, fashion shopping destination Lyst reports that searches for blue pieces spiked 125% in the two weeks following Fashion Month. Coincidence? There’s no such thing.
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