Jump ahead Raccoon it would appear my jimmies have been thoroughly rustled T-Shirt . another few hundred years and we’re closing in on something that has a direct relationship with the t-shirts of today. The short sleeved top that we know and love had a forefather with legs! The union suit, probably better known as long johns in the UK, was a one piece under garment. When it morphed into a two-piece set, the top half had a distinctly t-shirt flavour to it. An item that was still underwear, but moving ever closer to something which would be acceptable as an outer garment.
Raccoon it would appear my jimmies have been thoroughly rustled T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
beautiful, well tailored, and my correct size.
Anonymous –
I love this shirt,the material feels good, its a nice fit and its different. I haven’t seen anyone wearing this.
Anonymous –
Good quality teeshirt with non fading letters, good deal for someone looking for hip hop style shirts. Also, fast delivery
Anonymous –
Great t shirt, fit great, large variety of colors, will buy more. Bought ten already
Anonymous –
Great, nice one, very fit