Question why are people so fucking dumb Today Is A Bad Day For Kayaking Said No One Ever Kayaking T-Shirt .Of kap kneeling? He didn’t say you know what I’m gonna kneel to disrespect vets. He said he was Kneeling due to the police brutality on minority’s being overlooked as a way of saying if the country won’t stand for what’s right I wont stand for your anthem. I love how some believe this disrespects veterans as if black people aren’t vets. We have fought in every war since inception most of the time without the rights we died for. So yes what about the vets. How do you think they feel about police brutality? Or did y’all just mean it’s disrespectful to white vets? What about the white vets who died for equality what about them don’t you think they are pissed for the rights of others they died and fought for just to see them not receive those rights?
Today Is A Bad Day For Kayaking Said No One Ever Kayaking T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Super smurf blue
I look like a smurf!
Which is the look I was shooting for!!! With the bars closed I decided to go to a “smurf party” in the woods (told my wife I was workin late). I had no idea this was a freak show kinda event. There were a bunch of papa smurfs and a bunch more Smurfettes then I imagined and ordering this shirt in blue made me stand out as one of the top smurfs. Ill be ordering more in blue soon as mine is lost in the forest and the next event is coming up
Anonymous –
Overly great from the size to how lightweight and extremely comfortablw to wear.
Anonymous –
nice quality shirt
Anonymous –
Looks well made, and true to size. I’m giving this as a gift to my loving boyfriend for Christmas. I’m sure he’ll dig it. It fits me, so I know it will fit him.