Look at the innocent man’s blood everywhere Death Cab For Cutie Circle Trails T-shirt .Done anything yet. These wild dogs should be given all the love in the world. Gosh! I am melting. This is like watching starving children rob a bakery with no bread cause those pups are after one thing the tit. They’re like where’s the moo moo!? I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. Go on, it will be ok, I whispered. Encouraged it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it’s made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given. This is really gruesome these puppies should be punished well I can punish them if you want I’ll make a puppy prison where they will be punished with tonnes of kisses and unlimited love.
Just like our old boy Death Cab For Cutie Circle Trails T-shirt .Buddy see his gal, Farah a golden retriever and ended up babysitting her five puppies. Hey kids, uncle Buddy’s here, and off she went to inspect the neighborhood. This was taken that evening, many years ago. This is animal abuse ! The pups were taken away from their parents for social media purposes and that’s why they cling on to a human in hopes of filling that void left from me not knowing wtf i’m talking about bye. This is why dogs need microchipping so we can keep track of such vicious beasts. These dogs have been clearly reared to fight. Look at the dog in the bottom right corner that just keeps biting the bums of those who are unlucky enough to fall on top of him.