I think that Buy A Man Eat Fish He Day Teach Fish Man To A Lifetime calassic T-Shirt . of certain political persuasions fails to see, is that by electing it has provided a fertile platform for people with extreme right-wing sympathies the world over to vent in the most destructive of ways. Let’s just hope that one day the world pendulum swings back to a more even political keel when the current world leaders who are ignorant dangerous, intolerant, homophobic, racist, sexist and xenophobic are removed from office one way or another. against this so-called I hate to use religion to divide people. Some idiot trying to use religion to show off if they don’t feel safe they could ask the police for help.
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Anonymous –
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Anonymous –
nice. will buy again.
Anonymous –
oke,bagus,pengiriman cepat barang berkualitas