You have to love the hooded Cincinnati Bengals the jungle is calling shirt. An ultimately practical piece of clothing that works in any setting. With the added bonus, from our perspective, that they’re perfect for print and embroidery. Kingteeshops hoodies are easy to love. A myriad of styles, zip-up and pullover, and colour ranges that span the spectrum. High quality clothing, sustainably sourced, that feels and looks good even before we get our ink-familiar hands on it and create your branding.
Cincinnati Bengals the jungle is calling shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Technical development in US gathered pace during the first half of the Twentieth century Cincinnati Bengals the jungle is calling shirt. This experimentation with various technical aspects of the screen printing process would eventually lead to the technique becoming a commercially viable method. More than that, something that was widely accessible.
The versatility of screenprinting is ultimately what made it so widespread. The basic materials were relatively inexpensive and easy to acquire. Not really any great surprise that it became popular with underground movements and sub-cultures. Or that their aesthetic in turn grew to influence mainstream design.
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