We recently took a look at some lightweight t-shirts that are great for printing and personalisation Don't scare me I shit easily T-Shirt . It got a positive reception and also prompted several requests for info on other weights of shirt. So, we decided it was time for a partner piece. T-shirt printing – the heavyweights. This is our 2021 pick of some of the best heavyweight t-shirts for customisation. The chunkier tees, those substantial shirts which love a bit of printer’s ink and get a big thumb’s up from customers.
Don't scare me I shit easily T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
You Can See More Product: https://kingteeshop.com/product-category/trending/
Anonymous –
Je suis plutôt satisfait de ce vêtement. Le tissus et l’impression sont de bonne qualité. Le dessin ne se détériore pas au fil des lavages. Toutefois même si j’ai reçu la taille demandée, je le trouve un peu petit par rapport à mes t-shirts habituels. Le fabricant ne semble pas utiliser la même échelle de grandeur.
Anonymous –
Súper contento con el producto
Anonymous –
easy to wash and dry
nothing to dislike about the shirts. My husband is very hard on t-shirts in the shop and I keep replacing them so he looks decent. He gets glue, or gelcoat, or paint, or tears, or grease on them.
These look nice, washed nicely, dried looking very nice. Likely will order more.
Anonymous –
I ordered two of these originally, and they were so nice that I ordered six more. These fit as expected, and the cotton is nice and thick. I highly recommend this product.