If you’ve been keeping an eye on your news feed or watching television recently Franco Harris 32 Immaculate Reception Shirt. you may have seen articles about Sky Ocean Rescue and the Exxpedition Round the World mission. A women-only crew setting out on a two-year sea voyage, the purpose of which is to analyse and examine the impact of plastic pollution and toxicity in our oceans. Fifth Column are supporters and official suppliers of Exxpedition. We were only too happy to print the t-shirts and equally pleased to see them being worn during the ship renaming ceremony. We love screen printing, it’s where we started, but some printing jobs take things to another level. They simultaneously put a smile on your face and make you think about serious issues. You want to talk about them. So, here we go, a short article about printing t-shirts for Exxpedition Round the World.
Franco Harris 32 Immaculate Reception Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

Stop throwing custom printed T-shirts in the wash with everything else– give them the special treatment they deserve! Whether they are screen printed, digitally printed, vinyl, or heat transferred, the same rules apply Franco Harris 32 Immaculate Reception Shirt. Follow these steps and keep your favorite tees like new for years to come. The absolute best way to safely wash your custom printed tees is by hand. Turn them inside-out, mix cold water and a mild detergent in a small tub, let soak for 10 minutes or more, then gently agitate for a few minutes, rinse, and let them air dry.
Using a washer and dryer is not going to destroy your shirts– as long as you take proper precautions. Below are step-by-step instructions for the washing machine, dryer, de-wrinkling, and ironing, plus some general care tips to help you keep your tees looking new for a long time. The second most important thing besides washing is drying, which can do a number on your favorite T-shirts as well. Mostly because of the heat, but also if your dryer is a bit rough and tumble. Avoid the machine if possible.
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