Where was the love when Ghost Face in her dm's T-Shirt .State peace to all no discrimination. Best way to learn history is in a play. Not everyone learns the same way. You said that to the ones that hate blacks hate gays you know who you are. I feel like that’s going to be this guys job for the rest of eternity. Hamilton rapping about anything and everything that ever happens for the rest of time. Welcome to your niche, my friend. My heart breaks for the victims of this terrible hate crime and for their families. My heart also aches for the gay men and women who have to live in a world where there is senseless hate and intolerance just because of who they love. Only God gets to dictate what love is since He created it. Man always wants to live by his own desires or emotions.
Ghost Face in her dm's T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
We are born for His purposes, not our own Ghost Face in her dm's T-Shirt .To fill with money, power, things but yet are never satisfied. Ever notice how miserable rich people and celebrities never seen to have enough r make enough? Only Jesus can fill that hole and make us content. He designed that way. It doesn’t matter if you believe in Him, He believes in you! Yes, love is, every time shootings and killing are forgotten until it happens again and again. Why are guns not banned yet! Where is all this support for the community coming from all of the sudden? Like why are they not part of the normal communtity in the first place? They are humans just like any other person with a sexual orientation of their own. I think its great and all that everyone is supporting them.
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Anonymous –
Excelent quallity
Anonymous –
Great T-Shirts
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Anonymous –
Good product a little late but worth it.
Anonymous –
Nickel j’aime beaucoup
Anonymous –
good product !!