The two t-shirts are large white standard American Apparel tees Going Back West Boney M shirt. I like American Apparel as much as the next person, maybe even a little more so you have zero complaints from me there. I wear a medium so some of my friends will be very happy. The stitching is impeccable and, according to the tag, the shirts were sewn by 11 people in a sweatshop-free environment in downtown LA. (Yep, the American Apparel tags are still attached. I like that.) Both tees include comic book style scenes of raccoons getting up to mischief. In one, Heist, four raccoons ripped off some beer and food from a corner grocery store and the owner is pretty miffed.
Going Back West Boney M shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

Whilst the finished garments may often appear very similar – after all, a printed tee is a printed tee to most people – the two processes have significant differences Going Back West Boney M shirt. These differences have an impact on the cost of your project and, perhaps more importantly, what you can actually print. How the ink hits the cloth may not be something you’ve given a great deal of thought, but it is important. We’ve put together a short comparison of the two techniques.
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