Jump ahead Grinch I Just Want To Drink Beer And Watch My Bills Beat Your Team's Ass T-Shirt . another few hundred years and we’re closing in on something that has a direct relationship with the t-shirts of today. The short sleeved top that we know and love had a forefather with legs! The union suit, probably better known as long johns in the UK, was a one piece under garment. When it morphed into a two-piece set, the top half had a distinctly t-shirt flavour to it. An item that was still underwear, but moving ever closer to something which would be acceptable as an outer garment.
Grinch I Just Want To Drink Beer And Watch My Bills Beat Your Team's Ass T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Outstanding shirts that fit as expected!
Very good quality, comfortable and they do fit just right…. The only downside is that after a few washes they start loosing their luster and quality……But, overall, they are okay!
Anonymous –
Hubby gives it 2 Thumbs up
These are thick, cotton, smooth, great quality and get a thumbs up from the hubs. kingtees I ordered were quite thin. These are great for the working man!
Anonymous –
size acceptable .. quality is good
Anonymous –
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