Continental Clothing’s Earth Positive range of blank apparel are 100% organic products and, for the last five years Grinch Santa Hat I Hate People But I Love My Stanford Cardinal Christmas Logo T-Shirt . Continental have been the largest organic textile licensee of the Soil Association. This climate neutral Earth Positive EP20 men’s standard polo shirt has a relatively tight pique knit which works well whether you want to print or embroider.
Grinch Santa Hat I Hate People But I Love My Stanford Cardinal Christmas Logo T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Great for projects!
I love these tshirts . They work great and wash great as well.
Anonymous –
a la medida, ningún problema
Anonymous –
Size seems the same as the old one I bought a few years ago, fits the same, though the tag is different. Fabric seems a little thinner, but not by much- I might not have noticed if I wasn’t looking for it. Black one says 100% cotton on the tag.
Anonymous –
size acceptable .. quality is good