You deleted your comment before Henry Omega Good Night Wrestling T-Shirt . I could reply I say ‘comment’, it was more like of someone throwing up underneath a photo of me. Anyways, you asked why I stalked your photos. I didn’t really, I just clicked your profile. Everything is public – like your comment under my photo. I checked you out because I was wondering what kind of person would leave abuse like that under strangers’ photos. I wanted to get to know you. I saw that you had a cat, an aunt, a girlfriend, very pretty eyes, some fears about people thinking you are gay and you also seem to have some body issues. I’m sorry about that. I used to have them too. I get it. But then you deleted the comment just as we were connecting and finding common ground. What a shame. Don’t worry. I took screenshots.
Henry Omega Good Night Wrestling T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Anonymous –
This 10 Kitten shirt has brought me extraordinary joy. I’ve worn it as pajamas, as a dress and as part of my Happy Troll costume. The fabric is thick and the pics intrigue my little furballs. Thank you for making a shirt with magical cat attracting properties!
Anonymous –
Absolutely love this shirt! Great quality, doesn’t shrink into a square (short and wide at the stomach) retains shape, and a beautiful design. High quality. Bought both colors, purple for my sons and black for myself. All 3 were same great quality.
Anonymous –
Size seems the same as the old one I bought a few years ago, fits the same, though the tag is different. Fabric seems a little thinner, but not by much- I might not have noticed if I wasn’t looking for it. Black one says 100% cotton on the tag.