I’m sorry but sometimes that head together Hirooki Goto Goto Revolution T-Shirt .Great job parenting and teaching them self control because my twins used to go at it. They’re thirteen now and my daughter is very feisty but never acts on it, I guess we didn’t do too bad either. Beautiful girls. Their parent are so blessed to have them. I love watching them and I always look forward to their videos. Honestly their smile and laugh makes my day a thousand times better. Thank you for sharing your beautiful children to the world! You are all so awesome! Clure family. I can’t help it, I just keep saying it over and over but these two are just too freaking cute! They are adorable! I am glad to know that I am not the only one falling in love with these girls and their cuteness. Mom and dad two thumbs up.
Your family is beautiful Hirooki Goto Goto Revolution T-Shirt . When you’re jamming in the car, this is exactly what goes through my head you’re messing up my lipgloss. My twin and I were the same way thirty two years later well we still do the same thing, it’s just something special about having a twin that you can’t explain. I know the bittersweet time you have with twins I go through it everyday and they watch Ava and Alexis on their ipad every weekend. Bless them they are so cute Ava not having it that was me don’t touch my lipgloss lol and I had a elbow thing don’t touch my elbow either. My twin and I pushed each other’s buttons so much as kids as by seven to nice we fought so much we eventually grew out.