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I Asked God To Make Me A Better Man He Sent Me My Wife Windsurfing T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Better than before
I bought a lot of these shirts last summer, and bought more again this year. This year the material is much softer, it didn’t shrink nearly as much as last year, in the ham at the bottom of the shirt stays down. 100% improvement, and I liked them last year!
Anonymous –
Size seems the same as the old one I bought a few years ago, fits the same, though the tag is different. Fabric seems a little thinner, but not by much- I might not have noticed if I wasn’t looking for it. Black one says 100% cotton on the tag.
Anonymous –
Thank you
A work shirt that stands the test of time and damage taken during my time helping a friend with his tree service business.
Anonymous –
good. nice clothing
Anonymous –
Top Quality Tee Shirt at a Great Price!
This is a quality made tee shirt that holds its shape and looks good after washing. Very comfortable, roomy fit and comes in a variety of colors. Very reasonably priced with two to the package. I liked them so much, I cleaned out my tee shirt drawer and ordered several other colors.