The Fifties and Sixties were periods of great social change I'm A Love Your Neighbor Christian Not A Storm The Capital Kind T-Shirt . It’s also the point at which the t-shirt edges toward becoming a fashion staple. Much of this increasing demand is associated with popular culture. Iconic figures were wearing t-shirts in films and on stage. Think of Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire and the picture that springs to mind is of a strikingly handsome man in a tight white tee. James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause usually conjures the image of a fine young chap in a casual jacket and t-shirt.
I'm A Love Your Neighbor Christian Not A Storm The Capital Kind T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Awesome shirt and fits perfect!!
Anonymous –
beautiful, well tailored, and my correct size.
Anonymous –
nice, very fit, delivery is good
Anonymous –
Excelente poleron, me queda a la perfección y llego muy rápido, pensé que se demorarían mas, 5 estrellas
Anonymous –
Worthy replacement
It was slightly smaller, but then I’m slightly bigger now after Thanksgiving. The color is an exact match to my old ones of large size, from 1979. It helped my new/old fatigues look perfect.