You may have seen I'm a Marshalls Girl It's fine everything is fine Mickey T-Shirt . our Home Sweet Home printed t-shirts around Dublin over the past month accompanied by the singing of, “Come gather round people wherever ya roam”, yes, the times are most certainly a-changin’. Vulture funds, repossessions, evictions and entire families living in shoebox hotel rooms. People abandoned by their government, this seemingly is how the times have changed in Ireland. But at last a force has risen up and said no, we will take no more. In early December the NAMA possessed property, Apollo House, was occupied by the now legendary ‘Home Sweet Home’ movement.
I'm a Marshalls Girl It's fine everything is fine Mickey T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Very good product
Anonymous –
Perfect T-Shirt
This is a perfect T-Shirt. Nice fabric, holds the color with repeated washings, doesn’t shrink much at all. I have many Gildan T-Shirts, this time I tried the Indigo Blue. Fantastic color! I want more!
Anonymous –
Great shirt!
Anonymous –
Très bonne matière, conforme à la description. La taille est exacte aussi et la couleur est exactement comme sur la photo.
Anonymous –
Will buy again for the price only use them a few time after getting them damaged i get rid of them.