As of this writing more than Jesus The Greatest Need T-Shirt . members of the House, all Democrats save for one Republican, have reached a decision to call for impeachment hearings to begin. The reluctance of more Democrats to join this list is arguably pure political calculation—would acting to impeach Trump just make him want to play the victim all the more? Does he secretly want to be impeached?
Jesus The Greatest Need T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Good for price. Bargain/novelty use, medium to medium/light weight.
Good for general or novelty use, but these are not heavy-weight like upper-end graphic tees. If you want good and heavy t-shirts for work, these are not it.
For embroidering, these do need more stabilizing than the white heavy-duty t-shirts you can get at a certain warehouse store, but I needed a good choice of colors. The colors are rich and the ones I’ve received have had no blotches and the seams have been solid. But I do check every shirt before I work on it.
These do begin to show wear/age after 5-6 washings, but if you just need smart-looking shirts for events like workshops and birthdays, these will do!