Mum, kinda what we were Luci Willow Fairy T-shirt . But he knows what he’s talking about more than me. I haven’t been on our scales for probably over a year why we still have them I don’t know! Very happy with clothes fit all that were too tight or simply didn’t fit are nice and as near perfect fit now. The for some stupid reason, last week I actually stood on the dreaded scales and had a meltdown irrationally cos the numbers were just “too big. Despite trying to talk myself out of it I was mega grumpy for days just stupid. Oh and no longer have the scales the were launched into the bin. I never knew that but I had always been told it was healthier to lose weight slowly. So many people getting angry at losing only a one in a week when they’re less likely to end up with things like saggy skin and an unsustainable diet in the longer term.
Thanks for this Luci Willow Fairy T-shirt . Checked this guy out? Some such like you. You should go into this type of business on top when you have time. I used to step on the scales on a weekly basis and drive myself mad! Haven’t done it in a year so thank you James. Literally everyone needs to see this! The amount of clients that lose inches each month but don’t lose weight and get upset proves how deep these fat loss companies have screwed us. My trainers are great. We do weights sessions as our classes. Measure our success with a measuring tape. I do weigh myself occasionally, but it’s starting to slow down now as the initial shock my body took from over eating and not exercising to reduced crap foods.