Maybe you’re looking for a way to promote your business Luigi Christ T-Shirt . Or maybe you have a really great t-shirt in mind for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Or perhaps you’re thinking about a t-shirt fundraiser. Whatever the case may be, you have the best idea for a custom t-shirt. But alas, you don’t have the design abilities to create such a great shirt!
Luigi Christ T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Perfect, perfect. perfect. Classic Gildan fit
Collars are nice and snug. Any guy with the slightest idea of how to dress will appreciate this. unless you’re always shooting for the “just left the gym” look, your collars should be snug. Gives you a nice clean look. Shirts fit well too. You shouldn’t be shooting for a tent look. If you are, buy a tent. If you’re a little chunky, own your lumps. Much better than walking around like you’re camping. Speaking from experience here.
Anonymous –
I purchased this for my husband after the passing of and he loves the shirt the colors are pretty good fabric
Anonymous –
Good size, good colour
Anonymous –
great sweater. material. design. comfort. and would’ve gave 5 stars but just this one problem now. who gets to wear it now. cause I am 5xl and I’m telling you Newchic and everyone who buys. this sweater is barely 3xl. this sucks that about a bagging