Kingteeshops is a US-based online business specializing in themed t-shirts and apparel Michigan Football Welcome Home Chase Taylor T-Shirt . This black 100% cotton t-shirt arrived a few weeks ago in a plain white mailer. It’s a Gildan Ultra Cotton. Made in the Dominican Republic. It’s a heavy cotton t-shirt more suitable for cooler seasons than hot. Maybe good for the air-conditioned bowling alleys that would be frequented by someone who would enjoy wearing a shirt like this. It’s a four-color print of almost impeccable quality and very soft, unlike the t-shirt fabric it self which has a light course feel to it.
Michigan Football Welcome Home Chase Taylor T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
I have a few of their t-shirts and I love them. The graphics are beautiful and the shirts are a nice weight and wear well.
Anonymous –
I was very excited and pleased to get these clothes. Price for all three was really great for my budget. Thanks
Anonymous –
size acceptable .. quality is good