This is dedicated to those who Morrissey Pop Art Praise T-shirt .Sweatpants with print on the back and boots with a messy top bun. Veronica I almost bought some basic bitch wall decor from wayfair the other day and snapped out of it. Sadly I made up for it with my pumpkin spice frosted mini wheats this morning. Let’s not forget that quote on the wall thing. Live love laugh whatever. I was a little hurt that yoga pants, pumpkin spice scented anything, and dressing up for han solo season google if you don’t know) wasn’t mentioned. A week ago, when posted their basic sketch, everyone had their pitchforks up and labelled it sexist, now they oblige with a similar video on women and I’m sure the pitchforks will be back up again. Thats not real, because on May one there was a russian scientist named Josovochorchid voahcochillichvuichile why didnt you read the name ?
I’m not going to continue my story now Morrissey Pop Art Praise T-shirt .followed by yoga followed by talking about how much respect she has for her Grand mother whom taught her a lot it only gets worse. I didn’t have the sweat pants or dress up as a nurse worked as one but I did dress up as tinker bell that evidence alone makes me fully qualified. You have numerous symptoms. Plus all the comments about spiced lattes. Shall I send over some uggs now, or are you gonna get your own? About those scented candles they have a nice lighting and paired with incense is good to keep out the smell of weed when you’re not supposed to be smoking somewhere. Being basic keeps you warm in the winter, and cute in the summer. I don’t do coffee though. Tea and inspiration is my thing.