With screen printing, the cost per garment decreases as you increase volume My Jeep Makes Me Happy You Not So Much T-Shirt . Therefore, a high unit order will be much cheaper to screen print than a DTG print. DTG, on the other hand, has more of a set cost (basically, you’re accounting for the cost of the ink used for the print). A one-off or small unit order is more cost-effective on a DTG printer.
My Jeep Makes Me Happy You Not So Much T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Great shirt! Fit nicely. Very happy with this shirt!
Anonymous –
great packaging and punctual with delivery.
Anonymous –
Never regretted buying this
Anonymous –
Great product, bought several shirts from this seller and plan on buying more
Anonymous –
Cool shirt! The quality is good and the nasa logo seems to be sized right and looks durable. Anxious to see what it does after a few washes. Fit good and was what I expected.