Paynt II papercut shirt is powered by Kingteeshops and it has a great shopping cart. You can pay by credit card or Paypal. The shop prices are in USD by default but you can switch to various currencies including USD but I noticed that when you get to the shopping cart, it reverts to Euro. It’s not a problem for me but just something that you should be aware of when you are checking the total including shipping. And I’ll mention here that the shipping cost of US $4.99 for one t-shirt to Japan is awesome. It’s slow but I’m patient.
Paynt II papercut shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

Now, this is a little embarrassing Paynt II papercut shirt. I’m not sure when these t-shirts arrived but I’m pretty sure it was some time last year. It’s been in my closet for a long time and I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was something my wife got. So, my deepest apologies to the guys and girls at Deadcelebritee. I don’t have the mailer it came in for some reason. just the box and a pretty cool box at that. But I’ll get to that later.
There were two t-shirts in the box, one dark heather gray and the other shocking pink. Both of them are very light. The men’s heather t-shirt being a little lighter. I don’t know what the material is but the pink one feels like 100% cotton and the gray is more than likely a blend. The ink is reasonably soft.
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