If you want to eat Cajun Pritch please T-Shirt .Cook them tails on for flavor but you also consume them tails on for the same. And there was me thinking at last, something that doesn’t reek of garlic and then you go and put garlic powder in! I’m going to start an anti garlic campaign! I have a question. Why does every recipe calling for shrimp show the plated, ready to eat food, with the tail shell left on the shrimp? Even to the last frame shown in this example, the food on the fork, ready to be placed in the mouth, has the shrimp tails on. A recipe from a few days ago showed a held in the hand, ready to take a bite, shrimp taco. I don’t know how you will take the shrimp tale off in your mouth? you normally remove it before you cook or use a knife in your plate.
Pritch please T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
True to size
Anonymous –
Gildan Men’s Heavy Cotton T-Shirt
These do not shrink near as much as most.
I have a closet full of these.
Anonymous –
Pretty awesome T-shirts very happy will buy again.
I’ve always been very very happy with this brand and will purchase again. I like the neck, sleeve length, and they’re all cotton, works for me
Anonymous –
He ain’t heavy but he’s my summer shirt …
Yes it’s true. These are not “heavy” but they are Cotton. They are well made. They are less than $6 each and they will work for summer wear.
Buy up a size and shrink to your actual size.
Good cheap Tees.
Anonymous –
cool shirt