Receiving an award for the Scouting Dad Tee Camping Father T-Shirt . fashion image you put forward is a huge honor. But when you realize the power of fashion at such a young age, even subconsciously, you know it’s going to be a big part of our life. I think we all realize the power fashion has from the very beginning, when you wear your special dress and your daddy says, ‘Oh, you look so beautiful!’ or your grandma fauns over you. You understand that how people see you is important, and a lot of that is what you wear. But after I started my career and it expanded into movies and music, I learned that it’s much more profound than that. Whether it’s in a movie role or a music video that sets a trend for pop culture, or the red carpet, or transcending into a character, or giving you the confidence you need to perform in front of 20,000 people, fashion is about the powerful moments it creates that can inspire you and the world around you.
Scouting Dad Tee Camping Father T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

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Anonymous –
nice, very fit, delivery is good
Anonymous –
Nice shirt, would be a great shirt if not cotton, but more of a breathable shirt
Anonymous –
These cotton t-shirts have a nice feel to them.
I did NOT try them on before I washed them and my 2XL t-shirts fit perfectly, but I do believe they shrunk about 1/2 size from just looking at them but boy do they feel nice when you put them on!!