Your print will be the biggest contributing factor to the final cost Snoopyyyyy Merry Christmas T-Shirt . The cost of your print is calculated by the number of colours in the print and the number of t-shirts in your order. The fewer the colours in your design and the more t-shirts in your order, the cheaper the unit price gets. So, if you’re running with less than a hundred of a design, your best bet would be to keep the colours in your design to one or two; the set-up cost is too high for small runs of full colour prints. This really is something to take into account when creating your designs and logos because this will directly affect your profit margins when you bring your garments to the marketplace.
Snoopyyyyy Merry Christmas T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Love the picture got tons of compliments but it ran smaller than normal 2x friend bought one and hers was perfect fit. I have worn 2x shirts for years just got another one and it fits fine