Here’s a summary The Warning Greedy Lil Fucker T-Shirt . Some dos and don’ts for deciding whether to print or embroider your new range of custom clothing or next staff uniform. As with any customisation project, the price of the blank product and its suitability for any given process will have a bearing on the final costs.
The Warning Greedy Lil Fucker T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Overly great from the size to how lightweight and extremely comfortablw to wear.
Anonymous –
Shirt in hot pink
T-shirts are comfortable and perfect for what I need I ordered an extra large and in hot pink I mainly sleep in them.
Anonymous –
I purchased this shirt for my niece who is a huge fan. Her and her friends love it
Anonymous –
Great Shirt
I do screen printing as a hobby for family and friends, this shirt works for me as its not expensive, but great quality. Fits as stated by size chart. Works wonderfully for screen printing.
Anonymous –
Better than before
I bought a lot of these shirts last summer, and bought more again this year. This year the material is much softer, it didn’t shrink nearly as much as last year, in the ham at the bottom of the shirt stays down. 100% improvement, and I liked them last year!