For us here at kingteeshops. the story of customising clothes began over forty years ago in US They call me el jefe chingon shirt. Printing t-shirts for punk bands during the creative explosion of the Seventies when indie music and custom merchandise formed a relationship that endures to this day. Yeah, we’ve been around a good long while. And we’re still going strong, printing and embroidering custom tee shirts and plenty more besides. But screen printed t-shirts, the origins of the custom tee, stretches way back beyond our humble beginnings in Kilburn.
They call me el jefe chingon shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt

As mentioned above, most of the designs are one or two color graphics with text. None of the t-shirts really stood out. I didn’t see anything where I thought to myself that I must have it but they are mostly the type of t-shirts that I like to wear They call me el jefe chingon shirt. Simple, clever and non-pop culture. They do have a few vague pop culture references but there are a variety of themes to cater to different people like cat-lovers, coffee addicts, and err.. fishermen. I didn’t look at every t-shirt in the store as it is tedious to open every page in the browser to get a closer look. Yes, this is my way of reiterating that the thumbnail images need to be much bigger. I know that they use both Gildan and Bella+Canvas t-shirts but I guess they might use other brands too, depending on where the t-shirts are produced and shipped from and other factors.
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