Kingteeshops is a CA based t-shirt store specializing in creepy Title Fight Shed Owl T-Shirt . geeky and cheeky t-shirts. Yes, many of the t-shirts feature tributes to celebrities that have shuffled off this mortal coil.
Title Fight Shed Owl T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Well above a basic tee shirt
Quality shirts with a nicely finished collar. A simple item but one that has been done with quality. Very pleased, great fit and comfort!
Anonymous –
My son is going to love this shirt!!!
Anonymous –
Decent Tees
I’ve ordered these 10 or 12 times in different colors. Haven’t had any problems with them being rough or scratchy or seams coming undone. I live in the south so they are plenty heavy enough. I would call them a medium weight cotton. After washing and drying they’re still longer than the other brands I’ve tried from Walmart. I like my Tees over-sized so I order a xxxl. For the price I cant complain