Whilst polyester isn’t an eco-friendly fabric Tough Enough To Be A Dog Mom And Camping Queen Crazy Enough To Rock Them Booth Camping T-Shirt . we think that textiles incorporating recycled polyester most certainly qualify as such. Plastic bottles being transformed into standout apparel for printing strikes us as one of the more inventive solutions to what has become a genuine ecological headache. Recycled polyester is quite often combined with recycled organic cotton off-cuts. As far as we’re concerned, that’s a sustainable double delicious!
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Anonymous –
Worthy replacement
It was slightly smaller, but then I’m slightly bigger now after Thanksgiving. The color is an exact match to my old ones of large size, from 1979. It helped my new/old fatigues look perfect.
Anonymous –
Exceeded my expectations
I bought these for my husband and they fit perfectly. He’s a tough one to buy clothes for and hates the way everything fits. To my surprise he loves these. Not to mention he had to have them for work and I was very worried he wouldn’t like them and he loves them
Anonymous –
Cool shirt! The quality is good and the nasa logo seems to be sized right and looks durable. Anxious to see what it does after a few washes. Fit good and was what I expected.