Having been in the garment Weezer Kilby Block Party In Salt Lake City UT May 15 18 2025 Concert T-Shirt . decoration business for 30+ years, I have had to learn how to print on a plethora of different fabric types. Back in the 80’s printing on polyester and pigment dyed shirts were always tough. People gravitated to the pigment dyed shirts because they were soft and comfortable to wear. As a printer, these shirts would literally turn your hands the color of the shirt when handling them. Without good dye-blocking underbases to print with the white inks always turned dingy in the curing process. Despite this, people loved the touch, the feel of cotton.
Weezer Kilby Block Party In Salt Lake City UT May 15 18 2025 Concert T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Anonymous –
Super smurf blue
I look like a smurf!
Which is the look I was shooting for!!! With the bars closed I decided to go to a “smurf party” in the woods (told my wife I was workin late). I had no idea this was a freak show kinda event. There were a bunch of papa smurfs and a bunch more Smurfettes then I imagined and ordering this shirt in blue made me stand out as one of the top smurfs. Ill be ordering more in blue soon as mine is lost in the forest and the next event is coming up
Anonymous –
Great shirt. Holds up well to many washes. Did not shrink! Worth the purchase for sure!
Anonymous –
A very generous cut. I’m hoping mine shrinks a little, but it’s a gift and I know it will be loved.
Anonymous –
This 10 Kitten shirt has brought me extraordinary joy. I’ve worn it as pajamas, as a dress and as part of my Happy Troll costume. The fabric is thick and the pics intrigue my little furballs. Thank you for making a shirt with magical cat attracting properties!
Anonymous –