Let’s be honest. The only way to know if a trend is really happening is to check social media. Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie shirt Sure, we can scour the runway for the biggest handbag trends or find the best designer bags to buy, but nothing holds a candle to the power of peer approval in the form of someone purchasing the It bag of the moment. And when it comes to approving what trends are worth actually buying into, no one is quite as influential as the French fashion set. Call it cliché, but before a trend can pop off on TikTok, it’s most likely going to emerge on the streets of Paris—c’est la vie. So when it comes to discerning which handbag trends are likely to take over, you must first keep an eye out for what’s coming out of luxury French houses as well as what ends up being donned by French women. It’s not always easy, which is why I’ve done the heavy lifting for you and highlighted five bag trends that are trending in the Parisian fashion scene right now. These purses not only dominated various spring/summer collections but are also worth buying into, even if you don’t live in Paris. When it comes to trends, the French fashion set is always ahead of the curve. Case in point: the adoption of the curved-line handbag trend. It was only just last September that luxury houses like Balenciaga and Loewe were pushing bags with an emphasis on curved angles down the runway, but they’ve already hit the streets of Paris.
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Previously a one-day affair at the end of London Fashion Week – British menswear has long been shunned as sub plot to its women counterpart. Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie shirt However, this weekend saw a change to that; for the first time in history men from London and beyond were treated to a three-day feast of stylish delights. London Collections: Men saw a mixture of established British names stand side-by-side with young pioneering new talents to produce an innovative range of shows. Residing among the bold checks of Hackett London lay an array soft pastels, kick-starting the move from English gent to gentleman abroad. This theme continued to the tale of Sir Wilfred Thesiger, the protagonist which inspired E.Tautz’s latest collection. Awash with a wild fire of swooping capes, simple silhouettes Patricks Grants rendition was one to remember. Although colour was an abundant theme, there was no dismissal of classic ideals. Spencer Hart showed a cascade of well thought out tailoring, as did the equally accomplished Oliver Spencer – both displaying just what can be done with a single breasted suit. It is fair to say tailoring is far from dead next season.
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