It seems like there are two primary printing methods that dominate the imprintables market Elephante Album Art T-Shirt . DTG (Direct-to-Garment) Printing and Screen Printing. DTG is a newer method of printing in which a printer applies ink directly to the blank t-shirt (just like your printer at home, except it prints on fabric instead of paper). We sat down with Family Industries, a downtown LA-based printshop that offers both DTG and Screen Printing to go through some of the most common questions asked about DTG printing. Check out the video below or read for the full story!
Elephante Album Art T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
100% cotton is the best for DTG printing because cotton is a natural fiber that absorbs the water based ink used in DTG printers, but not all cotton performs the same Elephante Album Art T-Shirt . With DTG, it’s important you choose blank tank tops, blank shirts, or blank hoodies with as smooth a surface as possible so you don’t get stray fibers affecting the print. Avoid any carded open end or C.O.E. cotton–these are those heavy, scratchy, cheap tees. Check out a recent post we did comparing how different types of cotton print with DTG. It is possible to print on fabrics like our triblends, heathers and flowy, but it takes a lot of testing for a print shop to get the settings right. If you want to do DTG printing on fabrics other than 100% just make sure that you work with a print shop that is experienced with the type of blend you want to print. For more on DTG printing on blends, check out this post. There is usually a higher per unit cost with DTG but is going to be more affordable when you are doing small runs or fulfillment printing. Pricing will vary printer to printer, but you can expect to pay around $12 – $14 for a DTG print. A good rule of thumb, when reselling, is to try and double your margin. The great thing about kingteeshops is they are retail quality tees in terms of fabric and fit, so you can easily sell them for around $30.
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Anonymous –
Shirt Is Awesome!!
I love the tee shirt!! I cut off the hem, and it had a natural roll after I washed it!!
Anonymous –
Long lasting comfort
These are great shirts, especially for the money. They wash up clean, soft and wrinkle free. Even after several months of wear they look like new
Anonymous –
Anonymous –
Great for layering!
I usually get an extra large but for these extra large means extra large! For an average man you would want to just order a large. But these are great layering shirts perfect for the winter and fall.
Anonymous –
Love it! Simple,nice and fits the body well enough. A nice shirt.